Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What's in a Name? Ask the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator!

Over the past two weeks, I've wondered about the origins of the names of Sarah Palin's children. And why, exactly, Sarah and Todd Palin named their children after an oil company, a small airplane, the place where one might have conceived one of the little darlings and an abbreviation of a math discipline.

Not to worry: It truly was idle, mind-wandering stuff and not something I'd spend a lot of time on. But someone did! And now you can discover your very own Palin name--well the one you might have had, had you been born in Alaska to a Vice Presidential wannabe. Polit Tsk Tsk Tsk has created the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator: Enter your real name and the Baby Name Genrator will spit out the Palinized version.

Mean spirited? Perhaps. But I think we can all use a little humor. A small distraction. A little light through the cloud of lies.

Enjoy, and let me know what your Palinized name is!

Mine? Grill Igloo Palin. Oh, dear.


Pranayama mama said...

Stinger Assassin -- which I like!

Melanie K said...

HA HA! Sounds very James Bond-ish. :)

Anonymous said...

Pie Gallon, I don't like, but it could be because I am having a feel fat day.


Melanie K said...

LOL. Perfect. Mine should have come up that way today, too :)

Melanie K said...

@uncle wally: and the award goes to . . . That's the only cool name yet. Track must be so jealous ;)

uncle wally said...

me and Stinger Assasin are going to take back the country, by any means necessary.

Melanie K said...

good thing you wrote that on MY blog and not one "they" actually watch. ; but i can just see pranayama mama throwing her shoes . . .

Anonymous said...

Gamebird Kelp Palin. WTF? I am "so ill" over the thought of the Mcain Palin possibility. What makes me sickest is how the more she shows herself, the more the citizens of Dumbfuckistan wet themselves with glee.