Friday, July 18, 2008

Yes, BlogHers, You CAN Be Too Nice

I’m at the BlogHer conference in San Francisco and have met many intelligent, interesting and incredibly nice women. So nice, apparently, they didn’t want to tell me that the seat of my now least-favorite pants had split.*

* Thanks, Banana Republic! And before you ask, Yes they were new and No, I have not put on weight over the past couple of days.


gwendomama said...

i love you and i promise i would have totally told you if i had happened to notice that which i probably would not because i was like you. completely intoxicated.
have i said too much?

Melanie K said...

why yes, yes you have :) but the pants issue was actually during the day--middle of sessions. So no, you were not intoxicated. :-D

Anonymous said...

I would have told you!

But, we'll just all hope your underwear was cute.

It was nice to meet you and we should hang out, I can't believe you're right on my street!

Pranayama mama said...

i didn't realize there was intoxication involved -- i'll definitely mark my calendar for next year!

oh and i recently noticed that the seat of my my gray pants was ripped as i put them ON one day which made me wonder when exactly they had ripped and how many people had noticed (i.e., where was i at the time? heaven forbid, giving a presentation?)

Melanie K said...

Well, Liz, I only wear the granny panties when I'm home alone, so I thought they were cute. :) And yes! Let's get coffee!

Melanie K said...

And Pranayama mama: Apparently you didn't get very far into the BlogHer site if you missed the bit about cocktail parties. And the after-cocktail-parties parties. So next year, leave the boys home and come play! Er, um, learn stuff. Yeah, yeah, that's it

Thundershocked said...

I had the same problem with a pair of new BR pants at a conference last month. Seams coming apart at the crotch is a great look:)

Melanie K said...

isn't it, though? in fact I love that look so much that I wasted all of .03 seconds getting to the concierge to ask for a sewing kit. BTW: why don't they keep them in the rooms anymore? can they really cost that much??

Anonymous said...

OMG you met Gwendomama and badgermama? I met them a few years ago through a mutual blogging friend, Grace Davis. I've been in touch with Liz a few time since then.

Fun folks.

And OMG I can't believe your pants split at a conference full of people! I would have told you if I were there! Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

So nice meeting you at BlogHer...just for the record, I did not notice anything odd about your pants! I look forward to reading more about your adventures.

Melanie K said...

Hi Krista! The pants incident was the day before I met you, so you're off the hook ;) But it's had one benefit--I haven't had this many comments on a post in a long time :-D

Love your blog, btw. Mmmmm Food

The next time you're back, try Azie

The tuna carpaccio was stunning