Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Weekly Dammit, #3

Slightly delayed this holiday week, but there are, of course, still Dammits to be had!

Dammit #1:
It's July; I'm sick. And not just the sniffling, headache-y sick, either. It's the full-blown, Kill-me-kill-me-now, NyQuil commercial-style sick. I had to cancel our Fourth of July festivities at the last minute and I have employed the electronic babysitter for the day. If I weren't so tired, I'd feel guilty about that.

Dammit #2:
That anyone (me, myself and I, included) could even pretend to feel shock and dismay at anything said or done by the Bush administration. We've watched as they lied us into war, subverted the Constitution, mocked the Geneva Conventions and marginalized Congress. And now, really?, we're going to be shocked, shocked, that Bush would consider excessive the penalty sought by a Bush-appointed prosecutor, handed down by a Bush-appointed judge, that was even in line with federal guidelines?

Dammit #3:
Some idiot politician feels a need to display his in-depth knowledge of pop-culture by bringing SLRG in to the Congressional "debate" over Scooter Libby. I don't know whether I'm more disturbed by the fact that I just mentioned SLRG and Congress in the same sentence or that a grown man still goes by the name of "Scooter," even after facing the semi (ok, the not-so)-real prospect of prison time.

Dammit #4:
I am simultaneously fascinated and repulsed by the fact that someone would eat 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Sure, it was for the title and a 10 thousand dollar prize, but still. I gained five pounds, maybe 6 and a half, just reading about the number of calories in 66 hot dogs (20,394).

Bonus Dammit!
The above story was on the front page of the San Jose Mercury News. Because, you know, there wasn't enough else that qualified as news worthy.

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